An Approach to Digital Organization

The transition to the new digital organization conforms a significant challenge for companies around the world. The 4thIndustrial Revolution we are in forces existing and emerging companies to take new and unknown risks. As a result, organizations are adopting new and innovative mindsets in order to tackle the challenge.

Every organization has been influenced by the current situation. Each and every one of them has fallen in the need for change from head to toes. Therefore, leadership does not fall out of the scope. As the aforementioned adaptation process, leadership development constitutes a matter of concern for companies worldwide. Competitive leaders need nowadays a wider range of skills and expertise than in generations past, yet a significant percentage of companies have not been fast enough to develop new leadership models and promote young leaders.

Taking into account the current situation regarding leadership, change must take place. Throughout this article, the profile of a worldwide desired digital leader will be addressed. As a whole, the former will try to specify which skills and requirements companies must search for in new leaders in order to differentiate and choose the digital leader.

Digital Organization’s Profile

Leadership conforms a critical toehold for those companies that desire to achieve the digital organization. Consequently, leaders as companies must undergo a transformation procedure that involves three points:

  • Cognitive transformation: Leaders need to think differently.
  • Behavioral transformation: Leaders need to act differently.
  • Emotional transformation: Leaders need to react differently.

Digital Organization’s Objective to the Core

Yet, every change that every employee, leader and organization must go through could be boiled down into a “Digital Mindset” conformed by five principles:

  • Squeezing technology improvements: future engineering managers shall make the effort of understanding the latest technological improvements in order to exploit them to their advantage.
  • Agile, out of the box thinking: digital leaders and companies shall leave rigid mindsets aside embracing uncertainty and fluid tactics so as to foresee the need-for-change before it even arises.
  • Risk-taking, explorational approach: in an ever-changing environment, avoiding risk will automatically involve failure. Therefore, organizations must embrace risk as, in the words of Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, “In a world that is changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks”.
  • Easing workforce collaboration: the information exchange between every team member results invaluable to create innovative and more complex ideas. As a result, companies must search for new ways of collaboration easing workforce coordination at large scale.
  • Global Connectedness: take advantage of nowadays interconnected world and its available resources in order to empower the willingness to keep learning.


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